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The Root of ALL Evil in the World

roots of all evil in the world image by SWAG Style

Image by SWAG Style

Global trends by ancient scripture

The official data statistics and countless evidence of cruelty against women in fashion and violence against women in culture, may naturally arise a question: 'How on Earth people can do such evil things to each other, and in some cases even to glamourise, celebrate and price for such inhumane behaviour?' The modern image of women and girls and their social status in different countries can be described as nothing but a downfall of womenkind. But what has caused it on such a massive scale?

The decades of work in the creative industry have taught me to look for clues and answers in the most unexpected places, and this time my life experience did not let me down again. What I found out has astonished me even more than the official statistics.

Below is the copy of the forty prophecies from the manuscript written by John of Jerusalem (Jean de Vézelay) in the 11th Century. The book of prophecies titled 'The Secret Protocol' was kept hidden from the public's eye until 1994. According to the book, the period of social degradation starts roughly from the year AD 1000 and ends in the year AD 2000. Other prophets, such as Saint John, Saint Remy, Saint Malachie, Nostradamus refer to an end of the 'dark period' and beginning of the new Golden Age somewhere around 2020 to 2050.

The prophecy is an excellent source of information for both believers and non-believers. It helps to expand the personal perception and understanding of what is currently happening in our world, and where the women-related issues are coming from.

'The Secret Protocol'
by John of Jerusalem

Prophecy No. 1
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years,
Gold will be in the blood.
The one who will watch the stars will count the money
Who will enter the temple will meet merchants
Sovereigns will become changers and bankers
The Sword will defend the Snake (modern: 'law will defend evil')
But the fire will spread

Each city will be like Sodom and Gomorrah
Grandchildren will be an enthusiastic group
They will raise the old flags.

Prophecy No. 2
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
Man will corrupt the Heavens and the Earth and its Creatures of the Sea
He will command
He will want the powers of God
He will know no limits
But everything will turn around
He will stagger like a drunken king
He will gallop like a blind knight
And it will push the spur of his horse into the forest
At the end of the road will be the abyss.

Prophecy No. 3
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
Will rise the Towers of Babel (modern: 'Tall buildings') everywhere on Earth
The fields will become empty
There will only be the Law of selfishness and his supporters
But the barbarians are in the city
There will be no bread for all
And the (power) games will no longer suffice
So the people without a future will kindle big fires.

Prophecy No. 4 
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years

Hunger squeeze the belly of many people
And the cold blue of both hands
Let them want to see another world
The merchants of dreams (modern: 'advertisers') will offer the poison
And it will destroy the bodies and will rot the souls
Those who have mixed the poison in their blood
Will be as wild beasts in a trap 
And kill and steal and rape and extort
And life becomes a daily Apocalypse.

Prophecy No. 5 
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
Everyone will try to enjoy everything they can
The man will divorce his wife, many times he will marry again
And the woman will go through the paths of hollow taking that which pleases her
Children will be born without giving the name of the Father
And no teacher will guide the child anymore
And every person only will want
The tradition will be lost and the law will be forgotten
As if an announcement had been made and man will become a beast (modern: 'will follow animal instincts').

Prophecy No. 6 
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
The father takes his pleasure with his daughter
The man with the man and the woman with a woman
The old man with the prepubertal child
And it will be for everyone to see.
The blood will become impure (modern: 'genetic code degeneration') 
The evil will spread from bed to bed
The body will welcome all the decay of the Earth
Faces will be turned into fleshless (modern: 'desensitised') people 
Love will be a big threat to those who know each other only by the flesh (modern: 'by sex').

Prophecy No. 7
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
He who will speak on Oath and Law will not be listened to
He who preaches the faith of God will lose his voice in the wilderness
But the mighty flood of the infidel religions (modern: 'sects') will spread everywhere
False Messiahs gather blind people
And the unfaithful army will be as it never was before
He will speak on law and justice and his faith will be hot and sharp
He will avenge the Crusade (modern: 'believer').

Prophecy No. 8
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
The report of the death toll will be spread like a cloud on earth
The barbarians will be mingled with soldiers of the last legions
The infidels (modern: 'non-believers') will live in the heart of the Holy Cities
Everyone will turn barbaric, infidel and savage
There will be no order or rule
Hatred will spread like a flame in the dry forest
The barbarians will massacre the soldiers
The infidels will slay the believers
The savagery will come from each and everyone and the cities will perish.

Prophecy No. 9
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years
People will judge themselves according to their blood and their faith
No one will listen to the suffering hearts of the children
People will look at them as chickens
And nobody will protect them from the iron hand.
Hatred will flood the land who thought that they were pacified
And nobody is spared neither the old nor the wounded
The houses will be destroyed or stolen
Some take the place of others
Everyone will close their eyes to avoid seeing women raped.

Prophecy No. 10
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Everyone will know what is in all places of the earth
We will see the child whose bones pierce the skin
And one whose bones are covered with flies
The child will be persecuted like a rat
But people who see will turn away their heads
Because they only care about themselves
He will give a handful of grains as alms
So he sleeps on filled bags (modern: 'duvets')
And what he gives with one hand he will take from the other.

Prophecy No. 11
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
People will not do any good
Everything will have its price
The tree and water and the animal
Nobody will really give anything and everything will be sold
And then people will be more than flesh weight (modern: 'socially powerful')
People will barter their body like a piece of meat
They take away their eyes and their heart
Nothing will be sacred, neither their life nor their soul
We will play with our bodies and blood as a carrion carving.

Prophecy No. 12
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The man has changed the face of the earth
He wants to be the Master and Sovereign of forests and herds
He has dug the ground and sky
And traced its path in the rivers and seas
But the earth is bare and sterile
The air becomes hot and the water will be foul
Life fades for man and depletes the world’s wealth
And man will be alone like a wolf to hate himself

Prophecy No. 13
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The child will also be sold
Some will use him as a movable target
To enjoy the new skin
Others treat him as a pet slave
People will forget the fragility of the sacred child and mystery (of birth)
The child will become like a foal that stands
Like a lamb that is bleeding to death
And the man will be nothing more than a barbarian.

Prophecy No. 14
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Men have the look and spirit of prisoners
They are drunk and ignorant
They believe pictures and reflections are the truth of the world 
They will do with each other the same as they would to sheep
Then the cannibals will arrive
Predators flock to better guide them toward the abyss
And pit them against each other
They skin them to take their wool and skin
And people will be stripped of their soul if they want to survive (modern: 'become inhumane').

Prophecy No. 15
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The rulers won´t have a divine belief
They will order the passive and innocent people to the crowds
They hide their faces and keep their names secret
And their strong castles will be lost in the woods
But they will decide the fate of everyone and everything
Nobody will participate in meetings of their order
Everyone will be a true slave and still believes he is a free Knight
Only those cities will rise up who are wild and sometimes heretical
But they will be conquered and burned alive first.

Prophecy No. 16
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
There will be so many people on earth
They will look like an anthill where the rod is pushed on top
They swarm and death will crush their heels like panicked insects
Large movements (modern: 'immigration') will push them from one country to another
The brown skins will mix with the white skins
They change their original faith to that of the Infidels
Some preach the difficult peace
But everywhere will be a war between hostile tribes (modern: 'nations').

Prophecy No. 17
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The men will annoy all the pregnant women
The mother will have the grey hair of an old woman
The path of nature will be abandoned
And families are like separate grains that nothing can unite (modern: 'families will spit apart')
This will be a different world
Everyone will wander without bonds like a runaway horse (modern: 'massive numbers of single people')
Going in all directions without a guide (modern: 'no purpose, hectic lifestyle')
Woe to the knight who rides this horse
He will have no clamp and he will fall into the ditch.

Prophecy No. 18
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The men will not rely on God’s law anymore
But want to guide their lives by themselves as a climb
They will want to choose their children in the womb of their women
And kill those children that they don´t like
But who is the man to dare to take himself as God
The mighty will seize the best lands and the most beautiful women
The poor and the weak will be cattle
Each hut will be maintained
Fear is in every heart like poison.

Prophecy No. 19
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
A dark and secret order has arisen
His law is his hatred, and his weapon is poison
He always wants more gold and wants to expand his reign over all the earth
And his servants will be bound together by a kiss of blood
Upright and weak people will suffer under his rule
The powerful men will offer their services
The only law that will rule is the law of the shadow
They will sell the poison in the churches
And the world will march with this scorpion on his heel.

Prophecy No. 20
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Many men will sit idly with arms crossed
Or go around without knowing wherewith empty eyes
Because they won't know where to create metal
And cultivate more fields
They are like a seed that can not take root
Like straying and needy people, humiliated and desperate
The youngest and oldest men often without bonds (modern: 'disconnect between generations)
They will have trouble when saying hello
And first of all, they will fight themselves and they hate their lives.

Prophecy No. 21
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Diseases of the water of heaven and earth
Will hit a man and threaten him
He wants to revive what he has destroyed and protect what remains
He will be afraid of the coming days
But it will be too late
The desert will eat the earth and rain will be more and more abundant
It will fall on certain days, taking everything as a flood
And she will not fall the next day
The air will gnaw on the weakest bodies.

Prophecy No. 22
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Earthquakes in many places and cities will collapse
Everything will be built without listening to the wisdom
Will be threatened and destroyed
Mud will submerge the villages and the ground will open up under the palaces
The man persists because his pride is his folly
He will not hear the repeated warning from the earth
But the fire will destroy the new Rome 
And in the rubble accumulated
The poor and the barbarians will plunder the wealth despite the legion, wealth will be abandoned.

Prophecy No. 23
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The sun will burn the earth
The Air will not be the veil that protects from fire
It will only be a torn curtain
And the burning light will gnaw on the skin and eyes
The sea will rise as a boiling water
Cities and shores are buried
And whole continents vanish
The men will take refuge in the heights
And they will rebuild already forgetting what happened.

Prophecy No. 24
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
People are prepared to create fantasies
The senses will be deceived and they believe they touch something non-existent (modern: 'Virtual Reality')
They follow paths that only the eyes can see (modern: 'ideology of materialism')
And so the dream comes alive
But man will not know how to differentiate the real thing from the non-existent
They get lost in fake labyrinths
Those who feed their fantasies
Will play the naive ones and deceives others
And many people will become rampant dogs.

Prophecy No. 25
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The animals that Noah had on board his ark
Will no longer be in the hands of Man
Only beasts will be transformed according to his will
And who will care about their living suffering?
The man has made of each species what he wanted
And he will have destroyed countless
What will become of the man who has changed the laws of life
Which has made the living animal a lump of clay
Will he be the equal of God´s child or the Devil’s child?

Prophecy No. 26
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
People must worry about the man's child
The poison and despair watching him
Man only will desire him for himself and not for the child's benefit or for the world
The child will be hunted for fun and sometimes his body will be sold
But even those who will protect themselves
Will be threatened by a dead spirit
The child will live in the game and the fantasy (modern: 'video games')
Which will guide him since he will have no Master anymore
No one has taught him to have hope and to take action.

Prophecy No. 27
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
The man will believe that he is God but he will be nothing more than at birth
He will always attack others defeated by his anger and jealousy
But his arm will be armed with the power that will seize him
A blinded Prometheus (modern: 'scientist') will be able to destroy everything around him
His soul will remain a dwarf and he will have the strength of a giant
He will take a huge stride but he will ignore which path to take
His head is heavy from knowledge
But he will not know why he lives and why he dies
He will always be like the fool who gesticulates or the child who complains.

Prophecy No. 28
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Whole countries will fall prey to war
Beyond the Roman Limes and even on the former territory of the Empire
The men from the same city slay each other
Here is the war between tribes and there it is between believers 
The Jews and the children of Allah will not cease to oppose each other
And the land of Christ will be their battleground
But the infidels everywhere will want to defend the purity of their faith
And there will only be doubt and power facing them
Then death will advance everywhere as the standard of the new times.

Prophecy No. 29
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
Many people will be excluded from human life
They won´t have rights, a roof over their heads or bread
They are naked and only have their bodies to sell
They are placed far from the prosperous towers of Babel (modern: 'tall buildings')
They will swarm like remorse and a threat
They occupy whole countries and breed quickly
They will listen to the lectures of vengeance
And they will launch an attack on the proud towers
The times of the barbarian invasions have returned.

Prophecy No. 30
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years
A man enters into the confusing labyrinth
He will be afraid and he will close his eyes because he can not see
He will challenge everything and he will fear each step he takes
But he will be pushed forward because no stop will be permitted
Cassandra’s voice is still high and loud
He will not listen to her
Because he will always want more and his head will be lost in his fantasies
Those who are his Masters will deceive him
And there will only be bad shepherds.


Prophecy No. 31
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
People have finally opened their eyes
They are no longer locked up in their heads or in their cities
They can see and listen to each other from different parts of the world
They’ll know that what strikes one person injures another
Mankind forms a single great body and each person is one part of the great body
And they will together constitute the heart
And finally, there will be a language spoken by all people
And finally, the great human being will be born.

Prophecy No. 32
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
Man has conquered the heavens
He will create stars in the big dark blue sea (modern: 'cosmos')
And he will navigate on this brilliant ship
New Odyssey, a partner of the Sun, for the heavenly Odyssey.

Prophecy No. 33
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
The men will be able to go under the waters
Their bodies will be new and they will be like fish
And some will fly high above the birds
As if the stone did not fall down
They communicate with each other
Because their spirit will be so wide open that he can collect all messages
And the dreams will be shared
And they will live as long as the oldest men.

Prophecy No. 34
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
The man will know the spirit of all things
The stone or the water body of the animal or the gaze of the others
He will have unlocked the secrets of the ancient gods
And he will push door after door in the labyrinth of the new life
He will create with power and the flow from one source
He will teach his knowledge to the multitude of people
And the children will know the earth and the sky more than anyone before them
And the man’s body will be enlarged and clever
And his spirit will have enveloped all things and will own them.

Prophecy No. 35
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
The man will not be the sole ruler since the woman will come to seize the sceptre.
She will be the great teacher of future times.
What she thinks she will impose on men
She is the Mother of the Millennium which comes after the second Millenium
She will spread the warm softness of the Mother after the days of the Devil.
There will be beauty after the ugliness of the Devil's days.
The Millenium comes after the second Millennium will become times of light.
People will love, and people will share
We will dream dreams, and they will become reality.

Prophecy No. 36
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
The man will experience a second birth and the Spirit will capture the crowd of people
They will communicate in the fraternity (modern: 'same interest')
And this will be the end of barbarian times
It’s time for a new vigour of the Faith
After the dark days at the beginning of the third Millenium
The happy days will start and the man will find the true way to humanity
And the earth will be in order.

Prophecy No. 37
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
Routes will go from one end to another of the earth and from heaven to the other end
The dense forests will come back and deserts have been irrigated
The water has returned to a pure state and the earth will be like a garden
Man will watch over every living thing
He will purify whatever he has stained
He feels the whole earth as his home
And he will be wise thinking about the coming days.

Prophecy No. 38
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
Everyone will be like an ordered step
We know all of the world and our own body
We will treat the disease before it appears
Everyone will be healing oneself and others
It will be understood that we must help others to maintain
After times of closed doors and extreme greed
Man will open his heart and his purse to the poorest
He will feel like a knight of the human order
So this will be a new era that begins.

Prophecy No. 39
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
Man has learned to give and share
The bitter days of solitude will be buried
He will believe again in the Spirit
And the barbarians will have acquired citizenship
But that will come after the wars and the fires
This will arise from the dark rubble of the towers of Babel
And one must have had an iron grip
To make an order from chaos
And ensure that man finds the right path.

Prophecy No. 40
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full
The man knows that all living beings are bearers of light
And that they are creatures to be respected
He  will have constructed and built new cities in heaven on earth and on the sea. 
He will have the memory of what happened and he will be wise and read about the future
He will no longer have fear of his own death, for he will have lived several lifetimes in his life (modern: 'reincarnation cycle')
And he knows that the Light will never be extinguished.


Source 'Academia'


People's actions in life situations are always based on their moral basis.
The lower is one's morality, the more cruel and terrible his/her actions will be. And vice-versa: the higher the level of morality an individual has,
the more humane and civilised one's behaviour will be. So to eliminate all evil from our lives, society and entire Earth,
we must begin to raise the level of morality in each individual globally.


roots of all evil in the world image by SWAG Style

Image by SWAG Style

Global trends by ancient scripture

The official data statistics and countless evidence of cruelty against women in fashion and violence against women in culture, may naturally arise a question: 'How on Earth people can do such evil things to each other, and in some cases even to glamourise, celebrate and price for such inhumane behaviour?' The modern image of women and girls and their social status in different countries can be described as nothing but a downfall of womenkind. But what has caused it on such a massive scale?

The decades of work in the creative industry have taught me to look for clues and answers in the most unexpected places, and this time my life experience did not let me down again. What I found out has astonished me even more than the official statistics.

Below is the copy of the forty prophecies from the manuscript written by John of Jerusalem (Jean de Vézelay) in the 11th Century. The book of prophecies titled 'The Secret Protocol' was kept hidden from the public's eye until 1994. According to the book, the period of social degradation starts roughly from the year AD 1000 and ends in the year AD 2000. Other prophets, such as Saint John, Saint Remy, Saint Malachie, Nostradamus refer to an end of the 'dark period' and beginning of the new Golden Age somewhere around 2020 to 2050.

The prophecy is an excellent source of information for both believers and non-believers. It helps to expand the personal perception and understanding of what is currently happening in our world, and where the women-related issues are coming from.


'The Secret Protocol'
by John of Jerusalem

Prophecy No. 1
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, gold will be in the blood. The one who will watch the stars will count the money. Who will enter the temple will meet merchants. Sovereigns will become changers and bankers. The Sword will defend the Snake (modern: 'law will defend evil'). But the fire will spread. Each city will be like Sodom and Gomorrah. Grandchildren will be an enthusiastic group; they will raise the old flags.

Prophecy No. 2
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, a man will corrupt the Heavens and the Earth and its Creatures of the Sea. He will command. He will want the powers of God. He will know no limits. But everything will turn around. He will stagger like a drunken king. He will gallop like a blind knight, and it will push the spur of his horse into the forest; at the end of the road will be the abyss.

Prophecy No. 3
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, will rise the Towers of Babel (modern: 'Tall buildings') everywhere on Earth. The fields will become empty. There will only be the Law of selfishness and his supporters. But the barbarians are in the city. There will be no bread for all. And the games will no longer suffice. So the people without a future will kindle big fires.

Prophecy No. 4 
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, hunger squeeze the belly of many people; and the cold blue of both hands. Let them want to see another world. The merchants of dreams (modern: 'advertisers') will offer the poison; and it will destroy the bodies and will rot the souls. Those who have mixed the poison in their blood will be as wild beasts in a trap and kill and steal and rape and extort. And life becomes a daily Apocalypse.

Prophecy No. 5 
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, everyone will try to enjoy everything they can. The man will divorce his wife, many times he will marry again, and the woman will go through the paths of hollow taking that which pleases her. Children will be born without giving the name of the Father.
And no teacher will guide the child anymore. And every person only will want. The tradition will be lost and the law will be forgotten. As if an announcement had been made and man will become a beast (modern: 'will follow animal instincts').

Prophecy No. 6 
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, the father takes his pleasure with his daughter. The man with the man and the woman with a woman. The old man with the prepubertal child. And it will be for everyone to see. The blood will become impure (modern: 'genetic code degeneration'). The evil will spread from bed to bed. The body will welcome all the decay of the Earth. Faces will be turned into fleshless (modern: 'desensitised') people. Love will be a big threat to those who know each other only by the flesh (modern: 'by sex').

Prophecy No. 7
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, he who will speak on Oath and Law will not be listened to. He who preaches the faith of God will lose his voice in the wilderness. But the mighty flood of the infidel religions (modern: 'sects') will spread everywhere. False Messiahs gather blind people and the unfaithful army will be as it never was before. He will speak on law and justice and his faith will be hot and sharp. He will avenge the Crusade.

Prophecy No. 8
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, the report of the death toll will be spread like a cloud on earth. The barbarians will be mingled with soldiers of the last legions. The infidels (modern: 'non-believers') will live in the heart of the Holy Cities. Everyone will turn barbaric, infidel and savage. There will be no order or rule. Hatred will spread like a flame in the dry forest. The barbarians will massacre the soldiers. The infidels will slay the believers. The savagery will come from each and everyone and the cities will perish.

Prophecy No. 9
When Thousand Years will begin after the Thousand Years, people will judge themselves according to their blood and their faith. No one will listen to the suffering hearts of the children. People will look at them as chickens. And nobody will protect them from the iron hand. Hatred will flood the land, who thought that they were pacified. And nobody is spared neither the old nor the wounded. The houses will be destroyed or stolen; some take the place of others. Everyone will close their eyes to avoid seeing women raped.

Prophecy No. 10
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, everyone will know what is in all places of the earth. We will see the child whose bones pierce the skin. And one whose bones are covered with flies. The child will be persecuted like a rat. But people who see will turn away their heads. Because they only care about themselves. He will give a handful of grains as alms, so he sleeps on filled bags (modern: 'duvets'). And what he gives with one hand he will take from the other.

Prophecy No. 11
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, people will not do any good. Everything will have its price: the tree and water and the animal. Nobody will really give anything, and everything will be sold. And then people will be more than flesh weight (modern: 'socially powerful'). People will barter their body like a piece of meat. They take away their eyes and their heart. Nothing will be sacred, neither their life nor their soul. We will play with our bodies and blood as a carrion carving.

Prophecy No. 12
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the man has changed the face of the earth. He wants to be the Master and Sovereign of forests and herds. He has dug the ground and sky and traced its path in the rivers and seas. But the earth is bare and sterile. The air becomes hot, and the water will be foul. Life fades for man and depletes the world’s wealth. And man will be alone like a wolf to hate himself.

Prophecy No. 13
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the child will also be sold. Some will use him as a movable target. To enjoy the new skin. Others treat him as a pet slave. People will forget the fragility of the sacred child and mystery (of birth). The child will become like a foal that stands, like a lamb that is bleeding to death. And the man will be nothing more than a barbarian.

Prophecy No. 14
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, men have the look and spirit of prisoners. They are drunk and ignorant. They believe pictures and reflections are the truth of the world. They will do with each other the same as they would to sheep. Then the cannibals will arrive. Predators flock to better guide them toward the abyss. And pit them against each other. They skin them to take their wool and skin. And people will be stripped of their soul if they want to survive.

Prophecy No. 15
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the rulers won't have a divine belief. They will order passive and innocent people to the crowds. They hide their faces and keep their names secret. And their strong castles will be lost in the woods. But they will decide the fate of everyone and everything.
Nobody will participate in meetings of their order. Everyone will be a true slave and still believes he is a free Knight. Only those cities will rise up who are wild and sometimes heretical. But they will be conquered and burned alive first.

Prophecy No. 16
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, there will be so many people on earth. They will look like an anthill where the rod is pushed on top. They swarm, and death will crush their heels like panicked insects. Large movements (modern: 'immigration') will push them from one country to another. The brown skins will mix with the white skins. They change their original faith to that of the Infidels. Some preach difficult peace. But everywhere will be a war between hostile tribes (modern: 'nations').

Prophecy No. 17
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the men will annoy all the pregnant women. The mother will have the grey hair of an old woman. The path of nature will be abandoned. And families are like separate grains that nothing can unite (modern: 'families will spit apart'). This will be a different world. Everyone will wander without bonds like a runaway horse (modern: 'massive numbers of single people'). Going in all directions without a guide (modern: 'no purpose, hectic lifestyle'). Woe to the knight who rides this horse. He will have no clamp, and he will fall into the ditch.

Prophecy No. 18
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the men will not rely on God’s law anymore. But want to guide their lives by themselves as a climb. They will want to choose their children in the womb of their women and kill those children that they don't like. But who is the man to dare to take himself as God? The mighty will seize the best lands and the most beautiful women. The poor and the weak will be the cattle. Each hut will be maintained. Fear is in every heart like poison.

Prophecy No. 19
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, a dark and secret order has arisen. His law is his hatred, and his weapon is poison. He always wants more gold and wants to expand his reign over all the earth. And his servants will be bound together by a kiss of blood. Upright and weak people will suffer under his rule. The powerful men will offer their services. The only law that will rule is the law of the shadow. They will sell the poison in the churches, and the world will march with this scorpion on his heel.

Prophecy No. 20
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, many men will sit idly with arms crossed. Or go around without knowing wherewith empty eyes because they won't know where to create metal, and cultivate more fields. They are like a seed that can not take root. Like straying and needy people, humiliated and desperate. The youngest and oldest men often without bonds (modern: 'disconnect between generations). They will have trouble when saying hello. And first of all, they will fight themselves, and they hate their own lives.

Prophecy No. 21
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, diseases of the water of heaven and earth; will hit a man and threaten him. He wants to revive what he has destroyed and protect what remains. He will be afraid of the coming days, but it will be too late. The desert will eat the earth and rain will be more and more abundant. It will fall on certain days, taking everything as a flood. And she will not fall the next day. The air will gnaw on the weakest bodies.

Prophecy No. 22
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, earthquakes in many places and cities will collapse. Everything will be built without listening to wisdom; will be threatened and destroyed. Mud will submerge the villages, and the ground will open up under the palaces. The man persists because his pride is his folly. He will not hear the repeated warning from the earth. But the fire will destroy the new Rome. And in the rubble accumulated. The poor and the barbarians will plunder the wealth despite the legion, wealth will be abandoned.

Prophecy No. 23
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the sun will burn the earth. The Air will not be the veil that protects from fire. It will only be a torn curtain, and the burning light will gnaw on the skin and eyes. The sea will rise as boiling water. Cities and shores are buried. And whole continents vanish. The men will take refuge in the heights. And they will rebuild already forgetting what happened.

Prophecy No. 24
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, people are prepared to create fantasies. The senses will be deceived, and they believe they touch something non-existent (modern: 'Virtual Reality'). They follow paths that only the eyes can see (modern: 'ideology of materialism'). And so the dream comes alive. But man will not know how to differentiate the real thing from the non-existent. They get lost in fake labyrinths. Those who feed their fantasies will play the naive ones and deceives others, and many people will become rampant dogs.

Prophecy No. 25
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the animals that Noah had on board of his ark, will no longer be in the hands of Man. Only beasts will be transformed according to his will. And who will care about their living suffering? The man has made of each species what he wanted. And he will have destroyed countless. What will become of the man who has changed the laws of life, which has made the living animal a lump of clay? Will he be the equal of God's child or the Devil’s child?

Prophecy No. 26
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, people must worry about the man's child. The poison and despair of watching him. Man only will desire him for himself and not for the child's benefit or for the world. The child will be hunted for fun, and sometimes his body will be sold. But even those who will protect themselves will be threatened by a dead spirit.The child will live in the game and the fantasy (modern: 'video games'), which will guide him since he will have no Master anymore. No one has taught him to have hope and to take action.

Prophecy No. 27
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, the man will believe that he is God, but he will be nothing more than at birth. He will always attack others defeated by his anger and jealousy. But his arm will be armed with the power that will seize him. A blinded Prometheus (modern: 'scientist') will be able to destroy everything around him. His soul will remain a dwarf, and he will have the strength of a giant. He will take a huge stride, but he will ignore which path to take. His head is heavy from knowledge. But he will not know why he lives and why he dies. He will always be like the fool who gesticulates or the child who complains.

Prophecy No. 28
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, whole countries will fall prey to war. Beyond the Roman Limes and even on the former territory of the Empire. The men from the same city slay each other. Here is a war between tribes, and there it is between believers. The Jews and the children of Allah will not cease to oppose each other. And the land of Christ will be their battleground. But the infidels everywhere will want to defend the purity of their faith. And there will only be doubt and power facing them. Then death will advance everywhere as the standard of the new times.

Prophecy No. 29
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, many people will be excluded from human life. They won't have rights, a roof over their heads or bread. They are naked and only have their bodies to sell. They are placed far from the prosperous towers of Babel (modern: 'tall buildings'). They will swarm like remorse and a threat. They occupy whole countries and breed quickly. They will listen to the lectures of vengeance, and they will launch an attack on the proud towers. The times of the barbarian invasions have returned.

Prophecy No. 30
When Thousand Years begin after the Thousand Years, a man enters into the confusing labyrinth. He will be afraid, and he will close his eyes because he can not see. He will challenge everything, and he will fear each step he takes, but he will be pushed forward because no stop will be permitted. Cassandra’s voice is still high and loud. He will not listen to her because he will always want more, and his head will be lost in his fantasies. Those who are his Masters will deceive him. And there will only be bad shepherds.


Prophecy No. 31
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, people have finally opened their eyes. They are no longer locked up in their heads or in their cities. They can see and listen to each other from different parts of the world. They’ll know that what strikes one person injures another. Mankind forms a single great body, and each person is one part of the great body. And they will together constitute the heart. And finally, there will be a language spoken by all people. And finally, the great human being will be born.

Prophecy No. 32
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, man has conquered the heavens. He will create stars in the big dark blue sea (modern: 'cosmos'). And he will navigate on this brilliant ship; the new Odyssey, a partner of the Sun, for the heavenly Odyssey.

Prophecy No. 33
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, the men will be able to go under the waters. Their bodies will be new, and they will be like fish, and some will fly high above the birds as if the stone did not fall down. They communicate with each other because their spirit will be so wide open that he can collect all messages.And the dreams will be shared. And they will live as long as the oldest men.

Prophecy No. 34
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, the man will know the spirit of all things. The stone or the water body of the animal or the gaze of the others. He will have unlocked the secrets of the ancient gods. And he will push door after door in the labyrinth of the new life. He will create with power and the flow from one source. He will teach his knowledge to the multitude of people. And the children will know the earth and the sky more than anyone before them. And the man’s body will be enlarged and clever. And his spirit will have enveloped all things and will own them.

Prophecy No. 35
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, the man will not be the sole ruler since the woman will come to seize the scepter. She will be the great teacher of future times. What she thinks she will impose on men. She is the Mother of the Millennium, which comes after the second Millenium. She will spread the warm softness of the Mother after the days of the Devil. There will be beauty after the ugliness of the Devil's days. The Millenium comes after the second Millenium will become times of light. People will love, and people will share. We will dream dreams, and they will become reality.

Prophecy No. 36
When the Thousand Years, which comes after the Thousand Years are full, the man will experience a second birth, and the Spirit will capture the crowd of people. They will communicate in the fraternity (modern: 'same interest'). And this will be the end of barbarian times. It’s time for a new vigour of the Faith, after the dark days at the beginning of the third Millennium. The happy days will start, and the man will find the true way to humanity. And the earth will be in order.

Prophecy No. 37
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, the routes will go from one end to another of the earth and from heaven to the other end. The dense forests will come back, and deserts have been irrigated. The water has returned to a pure state, and the earth will be like a garden. Man will watch over every living thing. He will purify whatever he has stained. He feels the whole earth as his home. And he will be wise thinking about the coming days.

Prophecy No. 38
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, everyone will be like an ordered step. We know all of the world and our own body. We will treat the disease before it appears. Everyone will be healing oneself and others. It will be understood that we must help others to maintain after times of closed doors and extreme greed. Man will open his heart and his purse to the poorest. He will feel like a knight of the human order. So this will be a new era that begins.

Prophecy No. 39
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, a man has learned to give and share. The bitter days of solitude will be buried. He will believe again in the Spirit. And the barbarians will have acquired citizenship. But that will come after the wars and the fires. This will arise from the dark rubble of the towers of Babel. And one must have had an iron grip. To make an order from chaos. And ensure that man finds the right path.

Prophecy No. 40
When the Thousand Years which comes after the Thousand Years are full, the man knows that all living beings are bearers of light. And that they are creatures to be respected. He will have constructed and built new cities in heaven on earth and on the sea. He will have the memory of what happened, and he will be wise and read about the future. He will no longer have fear of his own death, for he will have lived several lifetimes in his life (modern: 'reincarnation cycle'). And he knows that the Light will never be extinguished.


Source 'Academia'


People's actions in life situations are always based on their moral basis. The lower is one's morality, the more cruel and terrible his/her actions will be. And vice-versa: the higher the level of morality an individual has, the more humane and civilised one's behaviour will be. So to eliminate all evil from our lives, society and entire Earth, we must begin to raise the level of morality in each individual globally.


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